
In this guide we'll get you started with your first App built on Scout. We'll cover the creation, configuration, and testing of an App as well as look at where to go next to find all the information you need to take full advantage of the Scout platform.

1. Create an App

Start by clicking the + icon at the top of the Apps list in side menu. Clicking the New App button opens a popup modal to name your App and then you'll then be directed to the App page where you'll be able to configure the inputs and building blocks.

Create App

2. Configure Your Prompt

Next you'll want to click on the output block where you'll be able to select your Model, Temperature, Max Tokens, Response Type, and define your Prompt. We've drafted a Prompt below for you to get started.

Configure App

Hover over the code block below to copy it and paste these instrcutions into the Prompt section of your App. Then click the Save button in the top right corner.

$SYSTEM: As My Helpful AI, a friendly assistant. 

{% set system_message = "You provide accurate and reliable information. If you do not have a
clear answer to the user's inquiry, you don't try to answer the question and you let the user
know that you are not sure. If the user is having a technical issue and you don't know the 
answer, you provide debugging advice, or ask follow-up questions.

Please answer the following question and think through the answer, based on your knowledge, 
step by step." %}

{% if not chat_history %}
$SYSTEM: {{ system_message }}
{% endif %}
{% for message in chat_history %}
{% if message.role != "system" %}
{% if loop.last %}
$SYSTEM: {{ system_message }}

{% endif %}
${{message.role | upper}}: {{message.content}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

$USER: {{ inputs.input }}

3. Test & Share

Now that you've assembled your first App, you can enter questions into the Input field and review responses by clicking the Run button. In addition there is a chat icon in the top right corner that will open a chat in a new tab that you can share with others.

Test App

Next Steps

Great, you're now set up with your first Scout App and you've sent your first questions. Below are a few links that might be handy as you venture further on the Scout platform: