Managing Tables in Scout

Comprehensive guide to table creation and management

Every Collection within Scout consists of Tables, and Tables contain Documents.

Creating Tables

You can create Tables directly within the Scout interface or via the Scout API.

Creating a Table in the Scout interface

When you create a Collection, it will automatically be created with an Untitled table in it.

You can add columns to the table by clicking the ”+” button in the table header row.

If you want to populate a table with web scraping results, for example, you’ll want to add the necessary columns:

  • One column named URL with a column type of URL
  • And column one named Page Title with a column type of Single Line Text

Then, your table should look as follows, with 3 columns:

Table column types

In Scout, each Table consists of various column types that define the structure and functionality of your data. Understanding these column types is essential for effectively organizing and managing your Tables. Below are the available column types and their descriptions:

Single Line Text

A text field that allows for single-line input, ideal for short entries like names or titles.

Multi Line Text

A text field that supports multiple lines, suitable for longer content such as descriptions or notes.


A boolean field that represents a true/false value, useful for indicating statuses or binary choices.


A numeric field for storing integer or decimal values, perfect for quantities, unix timestampts, prices, or measurements.


A field designed to store web addresses, enabling easy linking to external resources or references.

Populating Tables

There’s two primary ways to populate a Table with Documents:

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