Documentation on how to sync a Google Sheet into a Table within a Collection in Scout.

This integration is in experimental beta and awaiting Google App Store approval. Until we get Google App Store approval, there are some extra steps to configure this integration. If you’re interested in sharing feedback, please reach out on Slack and let us know.

Scout integrates directly with Google Sheets. Learn how to seamlessly sync each row of a Google Sheet into a Table within a Collection in Scout.

Setting up the integration


Set header row

First, ensure the first row of your Google Sheet is a header row labeling each column. Scout will use the header row values to label the value in each column in the collection.


Creating the extension

In the header menu of your Google Sheet, click Extensions, then click App Script.


Configuring the extension

Rename the project from Untitled Project to Scout Sheets Sync and replace all of the code in with the following:
1// Constants
2const SCOUT_API_BASE_URL = '';
3const API_KEY_PROPERTY = 'secret_XXXXX';
5// Function to get the API key from User Properties
6function getApiKey() {
7 const userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
8 let apiKey = userProperties.getProperty(API_KEY_PROPERTY);
10 if (!apiKey) {
11 // Prompt the user to enter their API key
12 const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
13 const response = ui.prompt('Enter your Scout Secret Key');
14 if (response.getSelectedButton() == ui.Button.OK) {
15 apiKey = response.getResponseText();
16 if (apiKey) {
17 userProperties.setProperty(API_KEY_PROPERTY, apiKey);
18 } else {
19 ui.alert('Scout Secret Key is required for this add-on to function.');
20 }
21 } else {
22 ui.alert('Scout Secret Key is required for this add-on to function.');
23 }
24 }
26 return apiKey;
29// Function to create the custom menu
30function onOpen(e) {
31 const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
32 ui.createMenu('*️⃣ Scout') // Static menu name
33 .addItem('Sync Google Sheet to Scout Table', 'showSyncInterface') // Static item name
34 .addToUi();
37// Function to get sync status and last synced collection and table
38function getSyncStatus() {
39 const properties = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
40 const syncStatus = properties.getProperty('syncStatus') || 'Not synced yet';
41 const lastSyncTime = properties.getProperty('lastSyncTime') || 'N/A';
42 const lastCollectionName = properties.getProperty('lastCollectionName') || 'N/A';
43 const lastTableName = properties.getProperty('lastTableName') || 'N/A';
45 return {
46 syncStatus: syncStatus,
47 lastSyncTime: lastSyncTime,
48 lastCollectionName: lastCollectionName,
49 lastTableName: lastTableName
50 };
53// Function to show the sync interface
54function showSyncInterface() {
55 const html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('syncToScout')
56 .setWidth(600)
57 .setHeight(500);
58 SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Sync Google Sheet to Scout Table');
61// Function to get the base URL of the spreadsheet
62function getSpreadsheetBaseUrl() {
63 const url = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getUrl();
64 // Remove '/edit' and anything after
65 const index = url.indexOf('/edit');
66 if (index !== -1) {
67 return url.substring(0, index);
68 } else {
69 // In case '/edit' is not present
70 const questionMarkIndex = url.indexOf('?');
71 if (questionMarkIndex !== -1) {
72 return url.substring(0, questionMarkIndex);
73 } else {
74 return url;
75 }
76 }
79// Function to start syncing (called from client-side)
80function startSync() {
81 const properties = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
82 const apiKey = getApiKey();
83 if (!apiKey) throw new Error('API Key not found.');
85 properties.setProperty('syncStatus', 'Syncing to Scout 🟡');
86 properties.setProperty('lastSyncTime', new Date().toISOString());
88 // Refresh the menu to reflect the new status
89 onOpen();
91 // Run the sync process
92 try {
93 const syncResult = syncDataToScout(apiKey);
94 properties.setProperty('syncStatus', 'Synced to Scout 🟢');
95 properties.setProperty('lastSyncTime', new Date().toISOString());
97 // Refresh the menu to reflect the new status
98 onOpen();
100 return { success: true, collectionId: syncResult.collectionId, tableId: syncResult.tableId, message: 'Data synced successfully.' };
101 } catch (error) {
102 properties.setProperty('syncStatus', 'Scout sync failed 🔴');
103 properties.setProperty('lastSyncTime', new Date().toISOString());
105 // Refresh the menu to reflect the new status
106 onOpen();
108 return { success: false, message: 'Error syncing data: ' + error.message };
109 }
112// Function to sync data to Scout
113function syncDataToScout(apiKey) {
114 const properties = PropertiesService.getDocumentProperties();
115 const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
116 const dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
117 const data = dataRange.getValues();
119 if (data.length < 2) {
120 throw new Error('No data to sync.');
121 }
123 // Get headers from the first row
124 let headers = data[0];
126 // Remove any leading/trailing whitespace from headers
127 headers = => header.toString().trim());
129 // Build documents array
130 const documents = [];
131 const timestamp = Math.floor( / 1000); // UNIX timestamp in seconds
132 const spreadsheetUrl = getSpreadsheetBaseUrl();
134 for (let i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
135 let row = data[i];
137 const rowObject = {};
138 for (let j = 0; j < headers.length; j++) {
139 rowObject[headers[j]] = row[j];
140 }
142 const document = {
143 url: spreadsheetUrl,
144 last_refreshed_at: timestamp,
145 content: JSON.stringify(rowObject)
146 };
148 documents.push(document);
149 }
151 // Step 1: Check or create "Google Sheets Sync" collection
152 const collectionInfo = getOrCreateCollection(apiKey);
153 const collectionId = collectionInfo.collectionId;
154 const collectionName = collectionInfo.collectionName;
156 // Step 2: Check or create table with description matching spreadsheet URL
157 const tableInfo = getOrCreateTable(collectionId, spreadsheetUrl, apiKey);
158 const tableId = tableInfo.tableId;
159 const tableName = tableInfo.tableName;
161 // Save collection and table info
162 properties.setProperty('lastCollectionId', collectionId);
163 properties.setProperty('lastCollectionName', collectionName);
164 properties.setProperty('lastTableId', tableId);
165 properties.setProperty('lastTableName', tableName);
167 // Step 3: Sync documents to table - this will delete all old documents
168 // and write the current sheet content as documents in the table
169 syncDocumentsToTable(collectionId, tableId, documents, apiKey);
171 return { success: true, collectionId: collectionId, tableId: tableId };
174// Function to get or create "Google Sheets Sync" collection
175// Function to get or create "Google Sheets Sync" collection
176function getOrCreateCollection(apiKey) {
177 const collections = fetchCollections(apiKey);
178 let collection = collections.find(
179 (c) =>
180 c.collection_config.collection_display_name === 'Google Sheets Sync'
181 );
183 if (collection) {
184 return {
185 collectionId: collection.collection_id,
186 collectionName: collection.collection_config.collection_display_name,
187 };
188 } else {
189 // Create collection
190 const collectionImgUrl =
191 '';
192 const collectionDescription = 'This collection is synced with Google Sheets.';
194 const payload = {
195 collection_display_name: 'Google Sheets Sync',
196 collection_img_url: collectionImgUrl,
197 collection_description: collectionDescription,
198 };
200 const url = SCOUT_API_BASE_URL + '/collections';
201 const options = {
202 method: 'post',
203 headers: {
204 Authorization: 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
205 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
206 },
207 payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
208 muteHttpExceptions: true,
209 };
211 try {
212 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
213 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
214 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
216 if (responseCode === 200 || responseCode === 201) {
217 const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
218 const newCollection =;
219 const collectionId = newCollection.collection_id;
221 // Fetch tables in the new collection
222 const tablesUrl = SCOUT_API_BASE_URL + '/collections/' + collectionId + '/tables';
223 const tablesOptions = {
224 method: 'get',
225 headers: {
226 Authorization: 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
227 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
228 },
229 muteHttpExceptions: true,
230 };
232 const tablesResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(tablesUrl, tablesOptions);
233 const tablesResponseCode = tablesResponse.getResponseCode();
234 const tablesResponseBody = tablesResponse.getContentText();
236 if (tablesResponseCode === 200) {
237 const tablesData = JSON.parse(tablesResponseBody).data;
239 // Find the default 'Untitled' table
240 const defaultTable = tablesData.find(
241 (table) => table.table_config.table_display_name === 'Untitled'
242 );
244 if (defaultTable) {
245 const tableId = defaultTable.table_id;
247 // Delete the default table
248 const deleteTableUrl =
249 SCOUT_API_BASE_URL + '/collections/' + collectionId + '/tables/' + tableId;
250 const deleteOptions = {
251 method: 'delete',
252 headers: {
253 Authorization: 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
254 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
255 },
256 muteHttpExceptions: true,
257 };
259 const deleteResponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch(deleteTableUrl, deleteOptions);
260 const deleteResponseCode = deleteResponse.getResponseCode();
262 if (deleteResponseCode === 200 || deleteResponseCode === 204) {
263 // Table deleted successfully
264 } else {
265 throw new Error('Error deleting default table: ' + deleteResponse.getContentText());
266 }
267 }
268 } else {
269 throw new Error('Error fetching tables: ' + tablesResponseBody);
270 }
272 return {
273 collectionId: collectionId,
274 collectionName: newCollection.collection_config.collection_display_name,
275 };
276 } else {
277 throw new Error('Error creating collection: ' + responseBody);
278 }
279 } catch (error) {
280 throw new Error('Error creating collection: ' + error.message);
281 }
282 }
285// Function to get or create table with description matching spreadsheet URL
286function getOrCreateTable(collectionId, spreadsheetUrl, apiKey) {
287 const tables = fetchTables(collectionId, apiKey);
289 //let table = tables.find(t => t.table_config.table_description === spreadsheetUrl);
290 let table = tables.find(t => t.table_config.table_display_name.includes(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId()));
293 if (table) {
294 // Table exists
295 return {
296 tableId: table.table_id,
297 tableName: table.table_config.table_display_name,
298 isNewTable: false
299 };
300 } else {
301 // Create table
302 const tableName = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getName()+" - "+SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
303 const tableImgUrl = '';
304 const tableDescription = spreadsheetUrl;
306 // Define fixed schema
307 const schema = [
308 {
309 column_id: 'url',
310 column_display_name: 'url',
311 column_type: 'url',
312 data_type: 'string',
313 hidden: false,
314 default: null
315 },
316 {
317 column_id: 'last_refreshed_at',
318 column_display_name: 'last_refreshed_at',
319 column_type: 'number',
320 data_type: 'number',
321 hidden: false,
322 default: null
323 },
324 {
325 column_id: 'content',
326 column_display_name: 'content',
327 column_type: 'text-long',
328 data_type: 'string',
329 hidden: false,
330 default: null
331 }
332 ];
334 const payload = {
335 table_display_name: tableName,
336 table_img_url: tableImgUrl,
337 table_description: tableDescription,
338 schema: schema
339 };
341 const url = `${SCOUT_API_BASE_URL}/collections/${collectionId}/tables`;
342 const options = {
343 method: 'post',
344 headers: {
345 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
346 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
347 },
348 payload: JSON.stringify(payload),
349 muteHttpExceptions: true
350 };
352 try {
353 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
354 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
355 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
357 if (responseCode === 200 || responseCode === 201) {
358 const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
359 const newTable =;
360 return {
361 tableId: newTable.table_id,
362 tableName: newTable.table_config.table_display_name,
363 isNewTable: true
364 };
365 } else {
366 throw new Error('Error creating table: ' + responseBody);
367 }
369 } catch (error) {
370 throw new Error('Error creating table: ' + error.message);
371 }
372 }
375// Function to delete all documents in a table
376function deleteAllDocumentsInTable(collectionId, tableId, apiKey) {
377 // Get all documents in the table
378 const url = `${SCOUT_API_BASE_URL}/collections/${collectionId}/tables/${tableId}/documents`;
379 const options = {
380 method: 'get',
381 headers: {
382 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
383 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
384 },
385 muteHttpExceptions: true
386 };
388 try {
389 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
390 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
391 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
393 if (responseCode === 200) {
394 const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
395 const documents =;
397 for (let i = 0; i < documents.length; i++) {
398 const documentId = documents[i].document_id;
399 deleteDocument(collectionId, tableId, documentId, apiKey);
400 }
402 } else {
403 throw new Error('Error fetching documents: ' + responseBody);
404 }
406 } catch (error) {
407 throw new Error('Error deleting documents: ' + error.message);
408 }
411// Function to upload documents to a table
412function syncDocumentsToTable(collectionId, tableId, documents, apiKey) {
413 //throw new Error(JSON.stringify(documents));
414 const url = `${SCOUT_API_BASE_URL}/collections/${collectionId}/tables/${tableId}/sync`;
415 const options = {
416 method: 'post',
417 headers: {
418 'Authorization': `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
419 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
420 },
421 payload: JSON.stringify(documents), // Send all documents in a single request
422 muteHttpExceptions: true
423 };
425 try {
426 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
427 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
428 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
430 if (responseCode === 200 || responseCode === 201) {
431 Logger.log(`All ${documents.length} documents uploaded successfully.`);
432 } else {
433 Logger.log(`Error uploading documents: ` + responseBody);
434 throw new Error(`Error uploading documents: ` + responseBody);
435 }
436 } catch (error) {
437 Logger.log('Error uploading documents: ' + error.message);
438 throw error;
439 }
442// Function to fetch collections from Scout API
443function fetchCollections(apiKey) {
444 const url = SCOUT_API_BASE_URL + '/collections';
445 const options = {
446 method: 'get',
447 headers: {
448 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
449 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
450 },
451 muteHttpExceptions: true
452 };
454 try {
455 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
456 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
457 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
459 if (responseCode === 200) {
460 const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
461 return;
462 } else {
463 Logger.log('Error fetching collections: ' + responseBody);
464 return [];
465 }
466 } catch (error) {
467 Logger.log('Exception fetching collections: ' + error);
468 return [];
469 }
472// Function to fetch tables from Scout API
473function fetchTables(collectionId, apiKey) {
474 const url = SCOUT_API_BASE_URL + '/collections/' + collectionId + '/tables';
475 const options = {
476 method: 'get',
477 headers: {
478 'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + apiKey,
479 'Content-Type': 'application/json'
480 },
481 muteHttpExceptions: true
482 };
484 try {
485 const response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
486 const responseCode = response.getResponseCode();
487 const responseBody = response.getContentText();
489 if (responseCode === 200) {
490 const jsonResponse = JSON.parse(responseBody);
491 return;
492 } else {
493 Logger.log('Error fetching tables: ' + responseBody);
494 return [];
495 }
496 } catch (error) {
497 Logger.log('Exception fetching tables: ' + error);
498 return [];
499 }

Adding your Scout secret key

Copy your Scout secret key from the Scout dashboard. Then in the new script, you’ll see API_KEY_PROPERTY defined with a placeholder. Paste your key to replace the secret_XXXXX placeholder value.

Then, click the Save project to Drive button in the menu. This saves your newly created file.

Anyone with editor access can look at the script, and see your Scout secret key in the script! Do not share editor access with anyone that shouldn’t be able to see that key. You can enter the key manually on each sync by simply deleting the const API_KEY_PROPERTY = 'secret_YOUR_PASTED_KEY'; definition. You will then be prompted to enter the key every time you want to run a sync.


Add the integration interface

Next, you’ll need to add the integration interface. Click the + icon in the menu. This will create a new file. Name it syncToScout.

Paste the following code snippet into the syncToScout.html file and click save.

1<!DOCTYPE html>
4 <base target="_top">
5 <!-- Include Google's CSS for add-ons -->
6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
7 <style>
8 body {
9 font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;
10 margin: 0;
11 padding: 0;
12 }
13 #container {
14 padding: 20px;
15 max-width: 500px;
16 margin: auto;
17 }
18 #header {
19 text-align: center;
20 margin-bottom: 20px;
21 }
22 #logo {
23 width: 150px;
24 margin-bottom: 10px;
25 }
26 #banner {
27 /* background-color: #f9f9f9; */
28 padding: 5px;
29 margin-bottom: 5px;
30 text-align: center;
31 font-size: 15px;
32 }
33 #banner a {
34 color: #4285f4;
35 text-decoration: none;
36 font-weight: bold;
37 }
38 #status {
39 margin-bottom: 20px;
40 font-size: 14px;
41 }
42 #message {
43 margin-bottom: 20px;
44 font-size: 14px;
45 text-align: center;
46 }
47 #message a {
48 color: #4285f4;
49 text-decoration: none;
50 font-weight: bold;
51 }
52 #buttons {
53 text-align: center;
54 margin-bottom: 20px;
55 }
56 #buttons button {
57 margin: 5px;
58 min-width: 150px;
59 }
60 #footer {
61 text-align: center;
62 /* font-size: 12px;
63 color: gray; */
64 }
65 /* #footer a {
66 color: gray;
67 text-decoration: none;
68 margin: 0 5px;
69 }
70 #footer a:hover {
71 text-decoration: underline;
72 } */
73 .hidden {
74 display: none;
75 }
76 .muted {
77 color: #999;
78 font-size: 12px;
79 }
80 .action-button {
81 /* background-color: #4285f4;
82 color: white;
83 border: none;
84 padding: 10px 20px;
85 font-size: 14px; */
86 cursor: pointer;
87 }
88 .action-button:disabled {
89 /* background-color: #cccccc; */
90 cursor: not-allowed;
91 }
92 .secondary-button {
93 /* background-color: #f1f1f1;
94 color: #333;
95 border: none;
96 padding: 10px 20px;
97 font-size: 14px; */
98 cursor: pointer;
99 }
100 /* .secondary-button:hover {
101 background-color: #e1e1e1;
102 } */
103 table {
104 width: 100%;
105 border-collapse: collapse;
106 margin-bottom: 20px;
107 }
108 th, td {
109 text-align: center;
110 padding: 10px;
111 }
112 th {
113 background-color: #f1f1f1;
114 font-weight: bold;
115 }
116 tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
117 background-color: #fafafa;
118 }
119 </style>
122 <div id="container">
123 <div id="header">
124 <img id="logo" src="" alt="Scout Logo">
125 </div>
127 <div id="message" class="hidden">
128 <span style="color:3d9400;"><b>Sync successful!</b></span>
129 <br />
130 <br />
131 Review <a href="" target="_blank" id="collectionLink">your updated collection in Scout</a> and close this modal.
132 </div>
134 <div id="status">
135 <table>
136 <thead>
137 <tr>
138 <th>Last Sync Status</th>
139 <th>Last Sync Time</th>
140 </tr>
141 </thead>
142 <tbody>
143 <tr>
144 <td>
145 <span id="syncStatus">Not synced yet</span>
146 </td>
147 <td>
148 <span id="lastSyncTimeFormatted"><b>Never</b></span><br />
149 <span class="muted" id="lastSyncTimeDetailed">N/A</span>
150 </td>
151 </tr>
152 </tbody>
153 </table>
154 </div>
156 <div id="buttons">
157 <button id="closeButton" class="secondary-button">Close</button>
158 <button id="syncButton" class="action action-button">Sync Sheet to Scout</button>
159 </div>
161 <div id="banner">
162 <span class="secondary"><b>Important!</b> The first row of the sheet is treated a header row with keys/column names.</span>
163 </div>
165 <div id="footer" class="secondary">
166 <a href="">Scout Integration Guide</a> | <a href="">Access Scout</a> |
167 <a href="">Scout Slack Community</a>
168 </div>
169 </div>
171 <script>
172 function updateStatus(statusInfo) {
173 document.getElementById('syncStatus').innerText = statusInfo.syncStatus;
175 if (statusInfo.lastSyncTime && statusInfo.lastSyncTime !== 'N/A') {
176 const timeInfo = formatSyncTime(statusInfo.lastSyncTime);
177 document.getElementById('lastSyncTimeFormatted').innerHTML = '<b>' + timeInfo.display + '</b>';
178 document.getElementById('lastSyncTimeDetailed').innerText = timeInfo.detailed;
179 } else {
180 document.getElementById('lastSyncTimeFormatted').innerHTML = '<b>Never</b>';
181 document.getElementById('lastSyncTimeDetailed').innerText = 'N/A';
182 }
183 }
185 function formatSyncTime(lastSyncTimestamp) {
186 const now = new Date();
187 const lastSyncTime = new Date(lastSyncTimestamp);
188 const diffInMs = now - lastSyncTime; // Difference in milliseconds
189 const diffInMinutes = Math.floor(diffInMs / 60000); // Difference in minutes
191 let timeDisplay = "";
192 if (diffInMinutes < 60) {
193 timeDisplay = `${diffInMinutes} minute${diffInMinutes === 1 ? "" : "s"} ago`;
194 } else if (diffInMinutes < 1440) {
195 const diffInHours = Math.floor(diffInMinutes / 60);
196 timeDisplay = `${diffInHours} hour${diffInHours === 1 ? "" : "s"} ago`;
197 } else {
198 const diffInDays = Math.floor(diffInMinutes / 1440);
199 timeDisplay = `${diffInDays} day${diffInDays === 1 ? "" : "s"} ago`;
200 }
202 // Format detailed time as "DD/MM/YY hh:mm am/pm"
203 const optionsDate = {
204 day: '2-digit',
205 month: '2-digit',
206 year: '2-digit',
207 };
208 const optionsTime = {
209 hour: 'numeric',
210 minute: '2-digit',
211 hour12: true
212 };
213 const formattedDate = lastSyncTime.toLocaleDateString('en-US', optionsDate);
214 const formattedTime = lastSyncTime.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', optionsTime);
216 return {
217 display: timeDisplay,
218 detailed: `${formattedDate} ${formattedTime}`
219 };
220 }
222 function setSyncButtonDisabled(disabled, text) {
223 const syncButton = document.getElementById('syncButton');
224 syncButton.disabled = disabled;
225 syncButton.innerText = text;
226 }
228 document.getElementById('syncButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
229 setSyncButtonDisabled(true, 'Sync in progress...');
230 {
231 if (response.success) {
232 document.getElementById('message').classList.remove('hidden');
233 // Update the collection link
234 document.getElementById('collectionLink').href = ''+response.collectionId+'?table='+response.tableId; // Replace with actual link
235 // Disable sync button
236 setSyncButtonDisabled(true, 'Sync Complete');
237 // Update status
239 } else {
240 alert(response.message);
241 // Re-enable sync button
242 setSyncButtonDisabled(false, 'Sync Sheet to Scout');
243 }
244 }).withFailureHandler(function(error) {
245 alert('Error syncing data: ' + error.message);
246 // Re-enable sync button
247 setSyncButtonDisabled(false, 'Sync Sheet to Scout');
248 }).startSync();
249 });
251 document.getElementById('closeButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
253 });
255 // Initialize status
257 </script>

Granting permissions

Now you can return to your Google Sheet and refresh the page. You should see a Scout icon in the menu above the sheet now. Click that icon.

You will be prompted to grant permissions to the script. Click Ok.

You will be prompted with warnings indicating that Google hasn’t verified this app - in this case, you are the developer of the app because it’s your script. Click Advanced at the bottom of the modal, then click Go to Scout Sheets Sync (unsafe) to grant permission to yourself to run your script.

Then you will select your Google account to proceed.


Running the integration

Now in your Google Sheet, click the Scout menu item, and click Sync Google Sheet to Scout Table.

Then, in the modal that opens, click Sync Sheet to Scout to run the sync.

Once completed, you’ll see a status and a link to click through into Scout to review the documents that have been uploaded.

Built with