Input Block
Capture and process user inputs in Scout workflows
The Input block is essential for capturing and processing user inputs within Scout workflows. It allows users to define various input types, including text, numbers, checkboxes, and JSON objects, providing flexibility in handling user-provided data.
Configuration (Required)
A list of input items, each defining the type and characteristics of a user input. This configuration allows for the dynamic and flexible gathering of user inputs, which can be used throughout the workflow.
The output of the Input block is a dictionary containing the resolved values of all inputs, based on their types and user-provided data. This structured output allows for seamless integration and utilization of user-provided data within the workflow.
Usage Context
Use this block to gather and process user inputs in a structured manner. Each input item can be configured with specific types and default values, allowing for tailored data collection and validation.
Best Practices
- Define clear and descriptive display names for each input item to improve user understanding.
- Ensure that required inputs are correctly marked to prevent workflow errors.
- Use default values to provide sensible fallbacks and reduce user input errors.
- Consider input dependencies and constraints when designing the input schema.