Save Block

The Save Block saves data into a specified Collection. It facilitates the storage of documents with text and other metadata, enabling efficient retrieval and use within your Scout applications.

Configuration (Required)

Collection ID

The Collection ID is a unique identifier for the Collection you want to write to.

You can select the Collection ID from a dropdown list of existing Collections, or enter it manually if necessary. If you need to find a Collection’s ID, you can copy it from the end of the URL when viewing your Collection. For example:


The ID is a unique identifier for each document that will be saved to the Collection. It is essential for distinguishing between different documents and for updating existing ones.

Ensure that each document has a unique ID to prevent unintended overwrites within the Collection.


The Text field contains the main content of the document to be saved. This content is chunked, vectorized, and embedded, preparing it for semantic search.

The text is a crucial element for search and retrieval operations, and it supports dynamic and contextual queries within the Collection.

Values (Optional)

You can populate values in custom columns of your document, adding further context and metadata to support advanced filtering and retrieval.


The Type parameter allows you to specify the data type of the column you wish to create. Possible options include:

  • string: For textual data.
  • number: For numerical data.
  • boolean: For true/false states.
  • json: For structured JSON data.

The Column parameter specifies the name of the column you want to populate.


The Value parameter is the data that will be stored in the specified column. Ensure that the value is appropriate for the column type.

Best Practices

  • Unique Identifiers: Ensure each document has a unique ID to avoid overwriting existing documents unless intentional.
  • Data Organization: Use descriptive names for columns to facilitate easy understanding and data retrieval.
  • Metadata Utilization: Leverage metadata fields to enhance document filtering and sorting capabilities within Collections.